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Use our Glossary to understand the different German mortgage terms and definitions


Schufa Score

The SCHUFA is the German credit register. All bank accounts and credit cards of a citizen resident in Germany are stored there. Likewise all credits are stored. Also mobile phone, Internet contracts and customer cards are listed there. As soon as a disturbance of a credit or several reminders due to unpaid invoices have been reported to SCHUFA, the SCHUFA score decreases. You can check your SCHUFA Score here.


About us

Your German Mortgage is not only a mortgage broker - we are trusted advisors from MLP, Germany's leading independent financial consulting company based in Berlin. We have more than 25 years of experience in financing property, and we were the first consultants to offer an online mortgage service for expats in Germany.

+49 30 28 39 3144

Mon - Fri 8.00 - 18.00

Saturday and Sunday closed