Forward Darlehen

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Forward Darlehen

Forward loan

Enables you to take advantage of the current interest rates, whilst still tied into a fixed rate with your current lender, by forward booking a better rate for the future. This can be with the same or different lender. This usually makes sense if you are no more than three years before the end of the current fixed interest period. The advantage of a forward loan is that you will not experience any unpleasant surprises if you want to refinance your loan, the future is already secure. It is advisable to involve a mortgage broker such as an MLP consultant of your choice.

About us

Your German Mortgage is not only a mortgage broker - we are trusted advisors from MLP, Germany's leading independent financial consulting company based in Berlin. We have more than 25 years of experience in financing property, and we are the first consultants to offer an online mortgage service for expats in Germany.

+49 30 28 39 3136

Mon - Fri 8.00 - 18.00

Saturday and Sunday closed